Oh this week has been crazy and challenging for me! And with every day that passes, it's getting closer to Christmas and I haven't been able to make a dent in my to do list. Probably why my blog has been put on the back burner these days. I have to go back to the weekend because that's were the craziness started.
On Saturday morning I went up to Tennessee with my step-MIL and SIL to visit my other SIL. We helped her decorate her Christmas tree and visited a few shops around town and had lunch together. I had a great time with them. There is this store, Ty Alexander's that is just amazing! I could have walked out of there with everything that had. Especially all the Christmas decorations. I even got a few ideas for some Christmas trees in the future that I think will be cute for the kids.
Later that afternoon I got a call from Clay saying that Bryson was not feeling well and running a temp of 102.9 and vomiting. Let me tell y'all this is the first time B has ever thrown up and been sick like this and it broke my heart that I wasn't there to be with him. We rushed home and when I got there he seemed to be feeling a little better. I did call the doctor and they mentioned meningitis because he was complaining of his back and neck hurting, but since he could do the chin to chest test I felt better about it not being that.
That night we started our Christmas book advent. I'm really excited about this new tradition we are starting with the boys. And I can't explain to y'all my excitement about having two boys and having them in matching pajamas. Oh the little things I get excited about!
Bryson stayed in the bed pretty much all Sunday. I had planned on doing our North Pole breakfast that day, but postponed til' this Saturday since he got sick again that afternoon. Later that night he started feeling better. I really think he just had a fever virus. He never coughed or complained of a sore throat. But I kept him out of school all this week just because I didn't want to run the risk of it coming back or getting other kids sick.
I have been blessed with healthy children and I am so grateful. And even though in my profession I work with very sick children all the time, I lost all sense of my nursing knowledge and my heart just broke for him. It hurts to see your children hurting.
I got my sweatshirt from
HollyGo Design in and have started breaking it in real fast. I'm going to have to get a few more of these in some different colors.
I am a BIG fan of A Charlie Brown Christmas and I'm glad B loves is as much as I do. He's also a big fan of Frosty the Snowman. I love that he loves the classics like his momma! :)
I spent a good bit of my off time this past week getting Jaxon's meals together. I'm just going to say that this can be an all day thing. I didn't do this with Bryson so I'm sure there's a lot that I don't know, but so far Jaxon has eaten everything that I've made. If he'd hurry up and get a few teeth in we could venture out. Ha!

Y'all don't laugh at my son's crazy hair. Today was a day where we were just lazy and it called for a pajama day. We have a lot of those these days! He's into this thing now where he loves to put stickers on the windows. I normally have him put them on the kitchen windows in the back so the whole neighborhood doesn't have to look at my toddler decorated house, but he wanted to put them by the Christmas tree and this year I just don't care what other people think about my house. This is a time of year that I want my boys to have fun. I don't want to be that uptight mom who has to have everything so perfect. I want them to understand the true meaning of Christmas and about learning to give to others.