The day I found out Bryson was going to be a boy I was over the moon excited! I had always thought of myself as a "boy mom," and was thrilled that Clay would have a boy to call his own. To teach him how to play sports, someone he could watch Auburn football games with and to show him what it means to be a Godly man and how to raise a family of his own one day.
Raising Bryson has been one of the major highlights of my life. He has taught me so much about myself in his 3 little years of life. He has helped me become a better person and has taught me the meaning of what unconditional love really is.
When we got pregnant with baby #2 I had secretly hoped for a girl. I had seen several of my friends with their girls and saw how much fun it would be to dress a little girl up and do all those fun girly things. Plus I had always dreamed of having 3 children: 2 boys and 1 girl with the girl being the middle child. Ha!
So when we found out Jaxon was a boy I'm not going to lie I cried for about 15 minutes. But then somewhere along I-65 on our way home it hit me... I'm about to be a mother to two boys! And my immediate prayer to the Lord was "please let them be the best of friends! Help them to grow up together loving one another and lifting each other up." It was at that moment I realized what a special privilege it was going to be to raise these two boys and I never looked back at the thought of having a girl.
I'll admit I was a little nervous about how Bryson would handle a little brother moving in on his territory. Would he be upset with me when I would have to comfort Jaxon and not be able to hold him too? Would he know that I loved his just as much even though there was another baby in our lives?
Have ya'll heard that term, a picture is worth a thousand words? I'll let these speak for themselves...
From the moment we brought Jaxon home, Bryson has taken on the "big brother role" like a champ. He loves Jaxon more than any toy car he owns! He is protective, loving, kind, gentle (well maybe not always gentle. Ha!) and a million more adjectives that I can't think of right now at 3 o'clock in the morning.
I have never been more proud than I am right now in my life. These two little boys are the most amazing gift I have ever received.
My heart is so FULL!!!
I know one day, not to far down the road, these two will have their share of fights and arguments. I'm sure they will butt heads more than once. But my prayer for them will always be that they will always love each other, that they will remain the best of friends long after Clay and I are gone and that they will always be there for one another no matter what.
"From the fullness of His grace we have received one blessing after another." John 1:16