This year we spent Thanksgiving with Clay's family. Since I had to work this year and my brother was spending Thanksgiving with his in-laws, my parents decided to spend the week in Branson, MO. They had alot of fun, but I missed them very much.
My little man in his adorable Thanksgiving Day outfit! Always with a book in his hand :)
Bryson with his Mimi
Grandmother...a.k.a. Gigi and Bryson
Poor Bryant, he was feeling a little under the weather and all Bryson wanted to do was give him and hug and play!
Pop and Bryson calling for Dixie (that's the neighbor's dog next door)!!
Bryson had already eaten a plateful with me and then when he saw Pop at the table he decided he wanted what he had too. He's our human garbage disposal. Ha!
My two favorite men in the world!!!
After getting my belly full I needed to go home and get in the bed. That's the one downside I dislike about my job...having to work the holidays. But I wouldn't trade my job for anything. I am so thankful the Lord has blessed me with a wonderful place to work and amazing friends that I get to see every other week.
So Clay and B went over to my father-in-law's house to have dessert. Oh, don't think I didn't ask the hubs to bring me some know I did. HA!!! Clay had the camera in my absence, and the pictures didn't turn out all that great. What can I say...I'm the one who's in control of the camera most of the time.

The Travis Family...I can't believe how BIG Owen is getting. Oh, and the snowman you see in the background...Aunt Vanessa made it!
Aunt Erica with the boys
Pawpaw with his two favorite little men!
I hope y'all had a very BLESSED Thanksgiving!