I can't believe how much you've changed over the last nine months! you don't even look like the same little boy. you are growing up SO fast. how in the world can i make it slow down? i can't tell you enough how much joy you bring to my life!!!
All of these could be yours if you hop on over to Lianna's blog and get the details.
The Easter bunny came and visited our house this morning. He brought some bubbles, a little stuffed chick, a dump truck for Bryson to play with during our trip to the beach, and a book. Bryson didn't seem all that interested in his basket, but this was his first Easter and even though I know he doesn't understand, I still wanted him to have a little something.
After church we went and had lunch with Clay's mom's family. The food was delicious. We had the traditional Easter lunch...ham, veg-all casserole, green beans, butter beans, potato salad, rolls...I'm getting hungry again just thinking about it. ha!
Bryson with his MiMi
Bryson had a little too much banana pudding...ha!
We left Clay's grandmother's and headed out to see my mom. We just missed the Easter egg hunt they were having with my nieces...who by the way are 12, 13, and 17! I think I hunted eggs up until I was in my early twenties! ha!!! My mom got some great pictures of all of them I will have to share later.Bryson, Grandma, and PawPaw Anthony
Bryson, Uncle Tommy, and Aunt Michele
After visiting with my family we made our last stop at Clay's dad's house... just a side note: I had been up for over 24 hours so our family pictures we had done probably don't look as good as I hoped they would :( I'm so thankful for our family of 3! Don't y'all just love the color coordination? I found my top at the last minute at Old Navy...it was the last one on the rack and exactly my size...guess it was meant to be mine. ha!
We had a little photo session with Bryson out in my in-laws back yard! I wish you could have seen all of us trying to get him to look up at the camera...hilarious! We looked like a swarm of Paparazzi!!!!
This was why we were having such a hard time getting Bryson to look up at us...he was so busy trying to pick this little purple flower from the grass. But it was really sweet to watch! I cannot WAIT until next year when Bryson is old enough to hunt Easter eggs...carrying his basket!
Bryson and his PawPaw! Nana had already changed out of her Sunday clothes so we will have to have a photo session with Nana soon!
Aunt Jessica, Bryson, and Uncle Charlie. I can hardly wait for little Owen to make his arrival. He will be here later this summer and I couldn't be more excited. Next year is going to be so much for with another little one around!!!
Aunt Erica, Bryson, and future Uncle Seth. This was the last picture of the day. Bryson had been up since 7:30 and not had a good nap all day. Poor baby was exhausted!
I hope y'all had a wonderful, blessed Easter!