Happy SIX months Bryson!!!
I can't believe you are six months old. Time is going by way tooo fast. But I will tell you this has been the BEST six months of mine and your daddy's lives.
So what have you been up to these days???
You weigh around 18lbs. We'll get your official weight next Wednesday for your six month appointment.
You are in size 3 diapers.
You've been on baby food for about a week. You love the carrots and banana's. You've tried butternut squash and corn and sweet potatoes. You seemed to like those too. And to be honest I think if we put anything in your mouth you would gobble it up.
You are getting better at laying on your tummy. And you have rolled over from your tummy to your stomach several times.
You have one of the most beautiful smiles I have ever seen. Every time I see you smile it brightens up my day.
You have discovered your feet and toes. It is so cute when I'm changing your diaper and you are trying so hard to grab at them.
You are in size 6 months and some 6-9 months clothes.
You can sit facing out in your stroller. I think you really like it.
You still can talk really loud - but it's sounding more like words than just noise.
You are loving your doorway jumper. When you first get in it you will try and bounce around but within a few minutes you are spinning around in it.
Overnight you have become the happiest baby. You are constantly smiling and laughing and talking. You have yet to meet a stranger. I believe you are going to have your daddy's personality which I'm very excited about!! I can't wait to see the little boy that you become.
You have all of your grandparents wrapped around your little fingers. They all love you so much and are spoiling you rotten.
I can't believe that you are half a year old. This time has gone by
TOOOO fast for me and your daddy. You have been the joy of my life these last six months and I love you very much!