Sunday, July 26, 2009

Happy Birthday Bryson Gregory!!

originally written on July, 21 2009

Bryson Gregory was born on July, 21 2009
21inches long

mom and dad are so excited about the new addition to our family! i'm sorry that it has taken me so long to post about my sweet little boy's birth. in the next few days i will update everyone on how the birth went and share LOTS more pictures.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

We're Having A Baby This Month!!!

35 weeks and 1 day!!
Bryson is the size of a honeydew melon!!

i just keep getting later and later with my bump posts. there has been alot going on this week. i have been to see the doctor twice and we will be having a baby this month. the 22nd will be the official due date unless my little man decides he would like to make his appearance a little sooner. my liver enzymes went back up and my md consulted with some other md's and they came to the conclusion that we will deliver at 37 weeks no later :) EEEEKKKK!!!! i can't tell you how excited we are to see our little buddy.

we actually got an estimated weight on Bryson this week. as of last wednesday my sweet baby boy weighs around 5.5lbs. clay and i got a chance to see him again and he looks so cramped in my belly. he looks very uncomfortable :(

sunday will be my last day of work and i hope to be a little better with my postings. i have some pictures of bryson's nursery that i want to show ya'll.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Pregnancy Pics and the New Haircut

33 weeks and 1 day!!
Bryson is the size of a pineapple and weighs about 4lbs.

this was the day that i had to start seeing my doctor weekly for the amniotic fluid ultrasound, non-stress test, and blood work. this was also the day that i learned Bryson might be here at 38 weeks instead of 37 weeks since my liver function tests had slightly decreased. but it's so crazy how fast things can change in a week.

here's the BIG reveal. i wish you all could have seen all the hair that was on the floor. i have to say i was a little nervous when she started cutting and i wasn't sure if i would like it, but it has kinda' grown on me in the last few days.

34 weeks and 1 day!!
Bryson is the size of a honeydew and weighs almost 5lbs.

i can't believe our little baby boy will be here in about 3 weeks. can i just say i still have so much to get done and i feel like i don't have any time to do it in. i did try and get some things done this week without over doing it. and the only BIG thing still on my list is get the car seat installed. i hope clay can get that one done this week while i'm at work. i can't explain how excited clay and i are. we are also a little nervous. over the last few weeks we lay in the bed and talk about how things are about to change for the good and how different our lives are going to be. we ask each other if we are going to be good parents and all those other first time parent questions and concerns. we're just getting to the point where we want to see his cute little face so bad and just want to hold him and praise our Lord for such a wonderful miracle He has blessed us with.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Not Following Doctors Orders...Kinda'

HAPPY 4th of July!

so today i somewhat veered from my doctors orders of being on bed rest. i know, i know i'm not the best patient, but what can i say; it's the 4th of July and i just couldn't see myself laying on the couch while everyone in the family hung out by the pool. now before everyone gets upset with me i did stay under the tent that pawpaw and nonna put up and had a fan blowing on me at all times.

we had a great time today. pawpaw and the hubby cooked 4 slabs of ribs on the grill. OH MY WERE THEY DELICIOUS!!! we had kathy's famous potato salad, BBQ bread, and some new kind of coleslaw made by aunt monte sue. plus lots of other good stuff that i couldn't quite fit on my plate. after we let our food settle we went out by the pool and the rest of the family played with the beach ball.
here's pawpaw and jimmy thinking they could play while on their floats and in the deep end. i have to say this was got several laughs out of the family.
we ended the night with the famous homemade milky way ice cream and a fireworks show put on by pawpaw, the hubby, aunt erica, and her sweet sweet boyfriend seth. this was a wonderful 4th of July and we all had a BLAST!!!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

34 Weeks and No Picture:(

just a quick update!! so today i am 34 weeks! i can't believe how fast my pregnancy is flying by. i know it's been a while since i last posted, but i'm trying my hardest to get some last minute things accomplished before we get ready for this little bundle of joy to enter our lives.

i had my weekly appointment with the md today. not such great news :( during my non-stress test i started contracting and i was a fingertip dilated. of course my md sent me down to labor & delivery to try and stop the contractions. she got them under control and then told me the dreaded news. BED REST for the rest of the week and then i will come in for another blood pressure check and blood work on monday and if it's elevated i will continue to be on bed rest until 37 weeks or until our little guy decides to come on his own. PRAISE JESUS that He blessed me with a job where i work 7 on 7 off. this week is my week off and if all goes the way i plan (which is not always the case) next week will be my last week of work!! so if you don't mind say a little prayer for me this week that all goes well on monday and i will be able to finish out my last week as planned.

i promise to post my last week and this week's belly pics. but after being at the hospital for over 6 hours i was just too exhausted to have my picture taken, plus i have a new haircut and it just wasn't doing it's thing today. ladies you might know what i'm talking about!!

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