HAPPY 4th of July!so today i somewhat veered from my doctors orders of being on bed rest. i know, i know i'm not the best patient, but what can i say; it's the 4th of July and i just couldn't see myself laying on the couch while everyone in the family hung out by the pool. now before everyone gets upset with me i did stay under the tent that pawpaw and nonna put up and had a fan blowing on me at all times.

we had a great time today.
pawpaw and the hubby cooked 4 slabs of ribs on the grill. OH MY WERE THEY DELICIOUS!!! we had
kathy's famous potato salad, BBQ bread, and some new kind of coleslaw made by aunt
monte sue. plus lots of other good stuff that i couldn't quite fit on my plate. after we let our food settle we went out by the pool and the rest of the family played with the beach ball.

pawpaw and jimmy thinking they could play while on their floats and in the deep end. i have to say this was got several laughs out of the family.

we ended the night with the famous homemade milky way ice cream and a fireworks show put on by
pawpaw, the hubby, aunt
erica, and her sweet sweet boyfriend
seth. this was a wonderful 4
th of July and we all had a BLAST!!!