this has been one of the best days EVER!! clay and i have not been able to stop smiling at each other all day. we had a few bumps in the road, but this will be a day that we will always remember.
a BIG thanks to clay's cousin haley who was so kind enough to do the ultrasound for us.
clay was so nervous when we headed back to the room. he has always wanted a boy from the beginning and i must admit i was hoping for a little boy, but we both said as long as it is healthy we would be blessed no matter what the Lord gave us. i just couldn't wait to see the baby again on the screen:) i teared up watching our precious baby move around. seeing it's little hands and feet and getting to watch the heartbeat again. it was PERFECT!!
haley was so sweet to take all these pictures (by the way our computer is messed up and i can't load my cd with all the pics. so as soon as i can i will get the pics up!!) we got to see the baby on the screen for about 15 minutes. and let me just tell you we have one active little baby!!
telling all of our parents was great! i wrapped up a gift for them to open that told if the baby was a boy or girl. and then gave them a card with some pictures and the name we had picked out. i have to say that clay's dad, step-mom, and sisters had the best reaction. they were all so excited.
i'm sure you're wondering what the bumps in the road meant at the beginning of my post....... don't worry as far as we know everything with the baby is fine, but on the way down to see haley we had problems with one of the front tires (i think the tread was coming off of the tire) and it had to be changed. and on the 70 mile trip back home we hit a huge pot hole in the middle lane of 65North and the spare tire went flat:( thankfully we were only a mile from the exit where there was a big 10 tire. we went next door to Milo's and had some lunch and laughed about how some of the simplest things are never easy for us but it makes for a great story to tell down the road:)
oh - i guess ya'll are wondering what our precious baby is???

this picture of his foot is one of my favorites!!
we can't wait to welcome Bryson Gregory in 6 short months. i am so ready for august to be here so i can spoil our little man!!
Thank You Lord - for this child i have prayed and the Lord has given me what i asked of him. 1 Samuel 1:27