can i just say rain, rain go away!!! i think it has been raining for a straight week and forecasters are calling for rain this weekend and through all of next week. such a bummer!! and i'm going to go ahead and predict that a week from this monday when i go back to work, the sun will shine ALL week. trust me when i tell you it happens ALL the time (stephanie, mary, heather...ya'll know what i'm talking about)!!!

today bryson and i met up with my sweet friend stephanie. we had lunch at El Carreton, that awesome mexican restaurant that clay and i took my dad to last weekend. i'm telling ya'll i could eat there everyday for the rest of my life. but if you ever come to alabama and are up around the northern part of birmingham you need to check this place out. the food is so good there that i have their number stored in my contacts on my cell phone:)
how cute is that little girl? she kept looking at bryson and smiling. too cute!!

the owner of the restaurant was so sweet to take our picture. i think he took it about 5 times. i'm very picky when it comes to pictures. plus it didn't help that stephanie and i kept blinking our eyes. but he was such a good sport about it.
i have to brag just a little. the waiters and waitress and a few of the customers just went on and on about bryson. of the course the number one comment people make is about his hair!! (gets that from his momma:) and i really hate that i didn't get bryson's picture made with the waiters. wouldn't that have made such a cute pic? HA!!!
i think steph and i are going to try and make this a little tradition. we don't live very far from one another and her son and daughter are in school right now (by the way...want to say hey to mary kate. i hear your mom lets you read my blog:) can't wait till she lets you babysit bryson!!! but since i work every other week it would be alot of fun to get out of the house and take bryson out and just have a little girl talk.
stephanie...thanks so much for getting together with us. bryson and i had a blast.
well since i was already half way towards birmingham i had made plans to stop by babies r us and purchase a few things. i had one big purchase to make before i go back to work and i was just hoping that it would be at the store.

i've been researching all the breast pumps and finally decided on this one. this pump is similar to the one i used while i was in the hospital. the only difference is that it is a single. but it's very portable and will be easy for me to take to work. and it was $100 less than the double pump.
even though i was not able to breastfeed bryson due to him being in NICU, i have been extremely proud of myself for continuing to pump and giving him strictly breastmilk. with the economy like it is, breastmilk is just so more economical. i hope to be able to pump for a year. and though it was been very tiresome at times it has been well worth it.
so i realized right before i got to the checkout line that i forgot my 15% off coupon. can i say devastated!!! 15% off that purchase along with my other coupons would have been huge. needless to say i was ticked off with myself. but i guess i have alot more important things to think about now:)

since i was pretty bummed out about the whole coupon thing i stopped by my favorite place and purchased my favorite drink. sonic's cherry limeade!! YUMMY!!! i even splurged and got the large. was a bit disappointed when i got to the drive thru to pay and i was 2 minutes late for happy hour. man can i not catch a break??

next i stopped in at krystal's for their new delicious desserts...sweet bites! all i can say is they are like hot krispy kreme doughnuts shaped in a little ball. a taste of heaven with powdered sugar on top :-)
i ended up keeping bryson out for 4 hours and it went SOOOO well. he is an amazing little traveler. he loves car rides and i think he even likes riding in the buggy!! i'll make sure to take a picture next time. overall we had a great mommy-son time and i have alot more confidence in myself to take him out alone. makes me wish i would have done it a little sooner.